
To ensure everyone has a fun and safe introduction week, we’ve setup a few rules and conditions for the entire week. This will be followed by both staff and students at Hanze UAS.


Although all restrictions are lifted we want you to still be mindful of COVID. Make sure you keep to the basic measures:

  • Wash your hands regularly;
  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow;
  • If you have symptoms, stay home and take a (self-)test;
  • Ventilate indoor spaces and let in fresh air;
  • Get your vaccination, booster or second booster.


Throughout the event we will have photographers taking photos, these are indicated by their Hanze Staff Card.

Type of Data:

Digital image material on which I may be recognizable in the picture.

Purpose of Data:

To focus attention to courses, training, open days and events by means of brochures  and online communications (website, social media).

Privacy Statement:

The material / data will / will not be sold or resold by Hanze UAS, its suppliers or sub suppliers for purposes other than those mentioned above.


Retention period: the data will be stored and possibly used up to 3 years after publication on offline media and up to 1 year for digital media.


The Hanze University of Applied Sciences aims to avoid risks where personal data security is concerned. However, in daily practice copying and re-use of visual material that has been once shared on the internet is not possible or only to a very limited extent.

You have the right of inspection and the right to withdraw your consent. To this end, you can submit a written request to

Opting Out:

If you’d like to opt out from being photographed/filmed, then please make sure to request a red band at the entrance of the event. These will be used to signal photographers that you’d like to not be photographed/filmed.

Not wearing one will mean to us that you agree with the conditions mentioned above.


If any issues arise during the Introduction Week, contact your Academic Counsellor and then your buddies.

If you have any questions, or issues, relating to Introduction Week before it starts, please email us at

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